1787-11-13 (static/transcriptions/1787/11/313.jpg)
-tiff’s use, and a Letter or Note may be sent to him afterwards by the Party who received it, and certinaly it is in no wise material for the Plaintiff to know where this Bond was sealed or the money received; And altho it hath been objected, that the Plaintiff shall be presumed to know where his Cause of Action arose; yet I know no case where a Man shall be made a Fort Fesor purely by Presumption.
Another reason is, because the Plaintiff it be knows not the Extent of the inferior Jurisdiction. This is not like the case where a Man complains of a Robbery or any other Felony, in the Star Chamber, for that is Ignorantia Juris, which will not excuse; but the Limits as to the place, is matter of Fact known only to the Officer of the COurt, and strangers are not obliged to take notice thereof under the hazard of being liable to Action.
Moreover, I know no case where the Person, who acutally commits the Trespass supposed to be done, shall be excused; and yet the person who is absent and only procured it to be done,