1787-12-19 (static/transcriptions/1787/12/202.jpg)
Wedn: 19 Dec: 1787.
Session of Oyer & Terminer.
Present Chambers & Jones, – Justices.
The King – }
agt } Grand Larciny
Durgapersaud Shaw}
The Indictment charges that Doorgapersaud Shaw late of Calcutta at the Factory of Fort William in the Province of Bengal Labourer on the 5th day of OCtr in the year of our Lord 1787 and in the 27th year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord Geo: the 3d by the grace of God of Great Brit: France and Ireland King Defender of the faith and so forth, with force and arms at Calcutta and Facty of Fort Wm in the Province of Bengal aforesd one Gold Watch of the value of 20 Sh: of lawful money of Gr: Br: of the Goods & Chattels of William Williams, William Tullah and Edward Gardner in the shop of them the said William Williams, William Tallah and Edward Gardner, then & there being found then & there privately and feloniously did steal take and carry away agst the peace of our said Lord the King his Crown and dignity. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do further present that the sd Doorgapersaud Shaw on the sd 5th year of Oct: in the year afsd with force & arms at Cal: afsd & Facty at in the Province afsd one Gold Watch of the value of 20 Sh: of lawfl money of Ca: Br: of the proper Goods & Chattels of William Williams, William Tullah and Edward Gardner then & there being found feloniously did steal, take & carry away agst the peace of our sd Lord the King his Crown & dignity – And the Jurors afsd upon their oath afsd do further present that the sd Doorgapersaud