1779-11-08 (static/transcriptions/1779/11/006.jpg)
1779. 4 Term. Monday Nov. 8.
Monday November 8th 1779.
Mr. Justice Chambers, at 9o45’
Mr. Justice Hyde, at 9o40’
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In Equity.
Benjamin Lacam
Warren Hastings, Richard Barwell, Philip Francis, William Marriot, John Shore, Peter Moore, and John Perring Esqrs.
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Mr. Newman, Moved to shew Cause against making absolute a Rule that the Plaintiff may be at Liberty to file Exceptions to the several Answer of Mr. Hastings, the Governor-General, and to the joint answer of Mr. Barwell and Mr. Francis, two of the Council-General.
The cause Mr. Newman shew’d was, that the answers to which the Exceptions were moved to be admitted Nune pro tunc, had been filed in May, and the last of the Answers of the other Defendants were filed, and the Copies, deliver’d to the Attorney in June, so that the greatest
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