1788-01-09 (static/transcriptions/1788/01/061.jpg)
Exh: D. a prom: note [from] D. K. to Bulram Gose d: 19 Feb 1783 for 5000 SR. – for which he says he has depos:d as coll: Secy one Compy’s bond for CR 8000.
Exh: E. A Bond execd by D. K. to Bulram Gose for C. R: 3800, wth Int: d: 24 Apr: 84 – Indorsemt signed by D. K. that he has depos: as coll: sec: one Compy’s bond for CR. 5000.
Exh: F. A prom: note Rect from D. K. to Bulram Gose, acknowl: that he has recd a Treary order for 11000 CR for which he promises to return one similar.