1788-01-16 (static/transcriptions/1788/01/123.jpg)
shape the evidence of Phanoos it is only indirectly that he is contradicted.
Mr. Ja Dunkin then entered into a history of the cause ab origine A: D. 1772 – when the bond was given Magee died in 1774, and Coja Petrus in Sept: 1778 Phanoos in decd says 9 Sept: 1776 but he has mistaken the year and only the year.
The true time I admit is not in evidence; but it is no wonder such a man should mistake the date.
This Wts says he was sent to Mr: Holfordd before he went to England. [N/ B. on the arrival of a L: [from] Morris to Mallickset recd in Octr or Novr 1787 at which time Holford was in England]