1788-01-17 (static/transcriptions/1788/01/131.jpg)
Hunter 14 Febr: 1785, by [which] a Bal is acknd to be due from Hunter of 3325 SR.
N. B. The Award was in Ocr: 1785.
Read also – An Additional affidavit of Hurryk. Muckerjee that B was made out by Hunter & that an annexed paper is a Mem: signed by Hunter.
It imports that Rx Damoodu had assigned a Jt to H. for SR 4800 [ILL] as a security [ILL] him for sevl sums were due from the Rx & from Ramhurry M:, & H promises that if he receives the amot of the Jt he will return to Kisnomohun & Rammohan (infant nephews of Ramhurry) such part as shall remain due after deduct