1788-01-17 (static/transcriptions/1788/01/142.jpg)

3. Arbitration bond annexed to the
4. Exh: A. being the same with C: annexed to the bill, viz the Acct of which the balance was reduced by the Arbrs from 2964 – to 8 S:R:
5. B. A Note from Ramh: M. 4 Aug 83 to Hunter for 1000 SR being a voucher for the first Art: in the foregoing Acct.
6. anor voucher

7. Affid: of Jos: da Cruz.
8. A memor:m or note annexed to that affidavit, of the sevl Sums &c as settled by the Arbrs.
9. Jt Affc of Monuram Dhur & Buddinat’h Sercar