1788-01-18 (static/transcriptions/1788/01/150.jpg)

Frid: 18 Jan: 1788.

After some motions of which I did not take Notes the following cause was called on before
Hyde & } Justices
Jones – }

Matthew Ford }
& }
Ramchunder Paulit}
Deft is stated to be an inhabit:t of Calc: & subject to the Jurisdon
1. Cot on a bill of Exchange for SR 1000 drawn by W. Townsend Jones on Deft in favr of St Cassan Esq payable 50 days after 12 Mar 1787, and accepted by Deft, & then indorsed by St. Cassan to the Plf’s [Promise?]
2d: Cot for SR 1000 paid & expended