1788-01-18 (static/transcriptions/1788/01/152.jpg)
same day
Jaggernat’h Sercar }
v }
Robt Wm Kiernander.}
Deft stated to be a Br Subj: res in Bengal, and an inahb. of Calc: and for one or both
The Plaint then states in one Cot that 3 Oct. 1786 Deft made his writing obligatory sealed with his seal; whereby he acknowld hims: bod to Plf in SR 5000: a breach is then assigned & Dam: 5000.
The Record then proceeds to assert that Deft has appeared but says nothing. But the Plf’s counsel alledging that the Record has been erroneously drawn up, and it appearing so on Inquiry, the cause is adjourned till tomorrow in order that the Roll may be completed by the Prothonotary.