1788-01-21 (static/transcriptions/1788/01/156.jpg)

Mond: 21 Jan: 1788.

Hyde & } Justices
Jones – }

Two or 3 motions in Equity cause of which I took no note.
One the plea side
Mr. W. Dunkin moved to make absolute a Rx nisi, granted on the 15th instant, for staying proceeding in the following cause untill an award shall be made by the Arbitrators betw Fr. Gladwin & Ramchurn Bannajee –
Ramsunker Chatterjee Plf
Russick Lall Dutt, Ramtonoo Dutt, Choiton Churn Dutt, & Hurlall Dut, sons & Hrs of M. Mohun Dutt deced