1788-03-20 (static/transcriptions/1788/03/122.jpg)
Avermts as in the last cases
1 Cot for 3000 SR lent by Plf to M. D.
2d Cot for 3000 recd by M. D.
3d Co for 3000 expended by Plf for M. D.
4th Co for 3000 on an insimul comp
Dam 4000 SR
Ramtonoo pleads as in the last case – Replic & Issue
Choiston Churn pleads 1. Non assumpsit M.D. – Issue thereon
2. non asst infra 6 annos.
Replic: averring the promise
Issue thereon.
Russick Loll & Hurry Loll appear but say nothing.
1 Wts for Plf
Ramlochun Sood