1788-03-22 (static/transcriptions/1788/03/132.jpg)

Same Day
(viz 22 Mar 1788)

James Broder
Jas Zaccariah Kiernander
Debt on Bond
Plaint evers that the Deft is subj to the Jurisdon of the Cot by having, in the bond hereafter mentioned, consented that in case of dispute the same shall be determined in this court; and also by being a Brit Subj resid in Bengal or a settled Inh of Calcutta & it charges that Defts 16 May 1785 sealed a bond to Plf for 160000 SR payable on demand
Dam 16000 SR

The Record then states a capias returnable 14 Jan 88 Ret Non est invr Sequestration 3 proclamations – Non appearce