1788-03-31 (static/transcriptions/1788/03/183.jpg)

or prices charged to or received by this Defendant from the said Board of Trade or the complainants for the said quantities of Silk so delivered respectively upon the average in proper otherwise And also what was or were the price or prices respectively, or the average price of labour and of cocoons and Firewood and the quantity or quantities thereof consumed respectively at the said Factory of Bauleah and the Districts Subordinate or adjoining thereto or whether they were higher or lower or how much higher or lower respectively there than elsewhere in the Bill mentioned in the said years one Thousand Seven hundred and Seventy nine eighty, one thousand Seven hundred and eighty eighty one, one thousand seven hundred and eighty one two and one thousand seven hundred and eighty two three, and what was the expenditure of this defendant for Cocoons Firewood and Labour respectively in each and evey of the said years at the said Factory and from whom the said Cocoons and Firewood used and consumed by the Defendant in the said years at the said Facotry were purchased respectively and at what price or prices respectively and at what weight the said