1788-04-04 (static/transcriptions/1788/04/013.jpg)

Same Day
Juggomohun Roy
Mahanund Surmone

Deft. a settled Inhab: of Calcutta subject to the Jurisdon &c

1. Co. 40,000 SR had & recd by Deft.
2. Co:: 40,000 expended by Deft. for Deft.
3. Cot. 40,000 lent & advanced
Damages 50,000 S. R.

Plea 1. Non assumpsit
Issue thereon
2. Plea of Set off corresponding with the 3 Counts
Replication to the 2d: Plea traversing the set off.
Issue thereon
No. 1. 1. Wts for Plf
Hurrynarain Rai
No. 2. Deft.’s Advoc: admits the Engl: transla of the Beng: pper Exh: A to be a true one