1780-10-23 (static/transcriptions/1780/10/002.jpg)

1780. 4 Term. [Monday] Oct. 23.

Mr. Tolfrey to be the Company’s Attorney might be entere’d of Record according to the provision of the Charter.
Impey. You should move that the appointment of Mr. Tolfrey to be the Company’s Attorney may be filed by the Keeper of the Records.
Mr. Newman, Alter’d his Motion to that.
Impey. Let this Motion be minuted in all the Offices, and then let, the appointment be filed by the Keeper of the Records Mr. MacVeagh, and let it be kept by him among the Records of the Court. This is the only manner that I know in which the Governor-General and Council can appoint an Attorney for the Company of Record, as the Charter Requires.
Mr. MacVeagh the Senior Master in the Court, and Keeper of the Records and Muniments, said the other appointments of the Company’s Attornies were not yet in his Custody.
Impey. Then they ought now to be deliver’d from what ever office they
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