1788-07-25 (static/transcriptions/1788/07/390.jpg)

were going to carry Caesar to a lane. They carried into the lane, 7 I heard Caesar cry out, using the names of Mr. Hyde & Mr. Motte. Hearing this [ILL] to the place, where they were, then the other European, who was taller than the prisoner, came and wounded me with a knife on the shoulder: the prisoner had only a stick in his hand, the other had a thin stick and a knife. I had neither said nor done any thing before I was wounded. When I received the wound, of which I now show the scar, I turned about to go & give information at the Tana, the prisoner who stood before me, at the end of the lane, stricking on the head with his stick I fell down, and was senseless; and I do not know any more that passed.