1788-08-12 (static/transcriptions/1788/08/088.jpg)
2 Wts for Plf
Kamroo Secunny
Plf 15 Rs a month
The Findal 10 Rs
4 Secunnie 10 Rs each
& the Kafassies 5 Rs each
Besides 4 Anas a month to each for victuals.
3d Wts for Plf
Coochil Conguar
Proves Exh A to which he is a subscribing Wts, being a receipt signed by or for 14 Lascars for 5 months wages which Plf pd them for Deft – amounting to 430 S.R. He also proves the reading it to Mr. Jebb.
Mr. Sealy admits the Transl -