1788-08-12 (static/transcriptions/1788/08/090.jpg)

Camroo For whereas Camroo swore that the crew were employed 7 months on board the Defts vessel, beginning in Bhadur and ending in Phalgun.

Pyarun Talu swears that they served only 5 months reckoning from the 29 Bhadur (when they left Coringa) to the 2d of Phalgun. He admits that they did serve at Coringa byt says they were paid there by the day, 4 copper pice per diem.

Camroo swore that of the 7 mo wages abovemd they recd from Deft 2 mo impress at Coringa, & the remg 5 mo from Plf in Burra Bazar, in Choit; & that he borrowd for that purpose 420 S.R. of Aalieu Lazang.