1788-08-16 (static/transcriptions/1788/08/131.jpg)

With Deft when he sold the Jewels to the Khansumaun of H. Beg. The amot was 2460 or 2461 SR the Deft recd the money hims & a sercar who was wth him counted & pd me my brokerage which came to 27 Rs. I mean that he pd me so [sh?]

4th Wts Bed’r us Deen
Purchd from the Deft goods to the amt of 337 S.R. & Deft said they belonged to Deft. I pd him 31 SR & gave him a note for 20, which he sued in the Cot of Keg: I then dp him 16, I still owe 4

2467. 4
317. 0
16. 0
2800. 4

Jt. For Plf SR 2800 & Costs