1788-08-19 (static/transcriptions/1788/08/164.jpg)

1 Wts for Plf
Ramdelall Gosaul

This wts proved that deft lived in Calc: proved ExhA – paymt of 7,101 Rs & of 1 gm for earnest. Wts went to Dhooliapoor to rec the paddy & recd 36 Patties –

Pattie contains 2560 Pallies

Wts says Deft signed Exh B for he knows his handwriting & recd it from his Hercarah. Wts does not know how many seer make a Pally, the Pally of Dhooliapoor is a little bigger than that of Calcutta. He sold on the spot the paddy which he so recd at the rates of 8 pallies for 1R1.6 1/4, 6 ½, & 6 3/4; & some at 5 ¾, this was the last he sold, viz in Bisau

Defts advoc admits that A is truly translated by Jebb, as it was read to him.

Do that it was truly read & expld.

Do that B was truly translated by Jebb.