1788-08-22 (static/transcriptions/1788/08/190.jpg)

The court.

6th Wts for the Deft
Benoderam Rai
Was in Deft’s service at Dhooliapoor from poofs till joysty (Jeyt) & speaks of Defts arrival in Mang of order to del 36 patties, of Ramsunder applic to RamDalall Gosul to rec the paddy, of which more then 36 patties were lying in heaps & of Gosul’s excuses must write to his masr had not got his answr must find purchasers. That quanty might have been deld in 6 or 7 days if Plfs people wd have recd it. Paddy was then coming in, a Patty or 2 each day. 40 Patties might have bn got in, in a month, if we had had places to put it in, or Plfs people wd have recd it. In Beisac an Aumeen.