1788-08-23 (static/transcriptions/1788/08/196.jpg)
Exh M, which was proved by Ramshurry Rai, & of which the reading and translation have been admitted, is in English as follows
Srie Srie Horry
Ever by in my thoughts
[sideways] Srie Goculehunder
Meter Inhs of Sootalotty
In Calcutta [/sideways]
To the adorable Srieyoot Ram Lochun Tagoor Mohosy
I Srie Goculchunder Meter do write this Contract of Paddy. The Contents are as follow. I have agreed to Purchase from Mohosy (25,000) Twenty five thousand Rupees worth of Paddy, the produce of your Farm the Purganah Dhooliapore. The Price of which I am to pay at the rate of thirteen Pollys for each Specia Sicca Rupee; to be measured by a Certain Polly of the Gollah of the place Commonly used on Sales; The measurement of Paddy to Commence from the fifteenth Maug and the delivery of the whole quantity to be Completed by the fifteenth Byack. I have this day paid you Seven thousand One hundred (7,100) Sicca Rupees in Specia, and I am to pay More Ten thousand (10,000) Sicca Rupees on the 20th Falgoon, and the remainder of the money