1788-11-13 (static/transcriptions/1788/11/026.jpg)

Of 30,000 & 22,596 were allowd to remain in his hands he giving compys bonds as Securities till other securities doc be obtained.


The sevl Bonds are then specified,

By Indre16 June 1783. The forementd Decree is recited, and Da Costa mortges to M Mendez, Da Costa & Rodriguez as Tres of Rom Cath Church (Pollock being dd) the 4 bonds as a security for the int of sum of 22,596 seizing the principal till such time as other securities can be had in trust for the purpose of that Will, (with power to sue the bonds etc) subject to a provisio for redemption; int at 10 pr Cent to be paid to them and their Successors as Trees of