1788-11-20 (static/transcriptions/1788/11/077.jpg)

Upon a habeas corpus directed to the mayor, aldermen, and sheriffs, of the city of London, to remove the body of Vanacker with the cause; they return, that the city of London is an ancient city and a country of itself, and that the citizens of the said city have been true whereof, & a body politick known by divers names, &c, that King John, by his letters patent bearing date, &c, granted to them the sheriffwick of the city of London and country of Middlesea, and that they should make the sheriffs of themselves; they return the statute of Magna charta and divers other statutes confirming their liberties; they return also a custom to make by-laws, a court of record held before the mayor, aldermen, &c, &c, &c. They return also an act of common council made 7 [ill] that he who should be elected Sheriff, being a person? Of London, should serve, and should not be discharged unless he came voluntarily before the court of aldermen, and swore, that he was not worth 10,000 L and brought six compargators with him, such as the Lord Mayor and court of aldermen should approve, who should swear, that they believe in their consciences, that he