1788-11-25 (static/transcriptions/1788/11/103.jpg)


A. The Petition of the Deft to be admitted to defend

B. No. 39. The Pottah for 1 B 2 Cattahs in Kidderpore New Gunge, granted to Cassinauts Baboo Tondon on 6 March 1767.

Jt for Plf.

[single line]

John Doe on dem. of Cassinath Baboo
Marcia T. Watson

Deft a Brit Subject residing in Bengal and an inhab of Calc & for one of those causes subj &c.

Cot in Ejectmt for 1 Begah of ground at Kidderpore New Gunge which Casst Baboo demd to J. Doe from 31 Dec. 1769 for 30 Years.