1788-11-26 (static/transcriptions/1788/11/119.jpg)

Of Ramtonoo Dutt to be true
Read Exh !
Jt for Plf C. R. 6094

[single line]

Same day

Mudsoodun Mitter
Michael Geo Prendergast

Deft a British Subject residing in Bengal and an Inhabt of Calcutta & for both or one of those causes subject to the Jurisd of this Court.

1 Co 2000 SR lent by Plf to Deft
2 Co 2000 pd & expended by Plf for Deft
3 Co 2000 had & recd by Deft for Plf
4 Co 2000 on an insimul comput
Dam 4000 SR
Plea Non assumpsit
Issue thereon

There is a notice of Set off, & money paid into court.