1788-12-01 (static/transcriptions/1788/12/020.jpg)
&c, &c, as by ltrs marked A & B will appear.
A & B read (prout) 1st A, “As our principal object in conferring this appointmt on you is to make every possible economical retrenchment in the exps of the Corts, & as this can only be effected by the actual presence of 1 Comy officer possessed of suft authy for that purpose, we hereby invest You wth full powers to control & regulate the Expse & disbursemts of 1 Paymaster, to strike off all staff or other appts which shall not be absolutely necessary for the good of the service & to make such arrangemts in detail of Duty & expense, as You sd think proper.” D 10 Apr 1782.”
B – “and we think proper also