1788-12-02 (static/transcriptions/1788/12/059.jpg)
D 10 Dec 1781
Mentioning (ut antea) the duties of his office.
Rx Exh B a notice signed F Lherondel addressd to W. Johnson to produce for Complt a ltr written by Complt to Deft d 4 Sept 82 and also anoth Do d 15 Sept 82, or copies therof.
Rx Copy of the sd Ltrs 4th Sept 81 C proved (ut antea) by Cpt Collins Addressd to Col Cha Morgan &c signd J. Bebb d 4 Sept 1782 – “refers to his former letter of 31 Aug & asserts that Mr. Goddard never infod him that he had not a right &c or that Mr. Griffith had no further concern than as his private agent &c - [ill] at Genl