1788-12-02 (static/transcriptions/1788/12/081.jpg)

Can not see how that applies to the present case in which no malice is proved or can be presumed.

Here Mr. Sealy finished his state of the Defendant’s case, and the further hearing of the cause is deferred till tomorrow.
[double line]

N.F. This day, the 2d of December, being the first Tuesday in the said month, the Judges nominated to the Governor Genl in Council, the three persons under named, as persons fit and qualified to serve the office of Sheriff – viz John Wilton Esq; Edward May Esq, & William Harding Esq.

The Cl of the Crown sho, according to custom, waited on the Gov Beneral with the nomination returned & acqd the Judges that John Wilton Esq is appointed Sheriff for the ensuing year.