1788-12-03 (static/transcriptions/1788/12/099.jpg)
Capt Watherstone’s for feeding &c He is acqd with all the handwriting except Ramjee’s.
The name Thos Goddard subscribed to N & O is of the proper handwrtg of sd T. G.
The name Dalhouse Weatherstone subscribed to the sd 2 papers is of the proper hand of sd D. W. This Deponent having often seen them both write.
The name C Morgan subscribed to P & Q is of the proper handwr of Col C. M. whom this Dept has often seen write.
Knew Ramjee Sercar, who was never considered by this deponent in any other light than as the Servt & private agent of Col Morgan.
Believes he has seen all these papers beg wn presented to him for paymt