1788-12-03 (static/transcriptions/1788/12/104.jpg)
Set; says
Genl Goddard in Dept’s presence acqd Deft that Complt had no right to and never had enjoyd the office of feeding & pro the Dr & Ca Cattle under him. When Complt insisted on yt right Deft had no settled or reguld the staff of the Detachmt. Everything remd as it was under Goddard. Complt resignd 15 Sept 82 before the regulg of the staff were made, he quitted the Detachmt & went away without leave & after refusal.
The letter marked a is of the purport of a ltr written by this Deponent, to the Complt by direction of Deft, & Complt acknowld the rect
Deft took the comd 1 Septr 1782.
Deft did in fact as sd in that ltr shew the Complt’s lettr to Goddard who answd ut supra.