1788-12-17 (static/transcriptions/1788/12/438.jpg)


Wedn: 17 Dec: 1788.

Hyde &
Before the Jury were sworn Mr. Just: Hyde went home on account of business which he had to transact—

The King }
agt }
Gool Mahomed} for Murder.
& Nuncoo }
The indictment charges Gool Mahomed and Munnoo who are stiled Khalassies with having on 1 Sept: 1788 feloniously wilfully and of mal: afore thought made an assault upon one Mustaram, at Monohur Gunge in Bengal, that Gool Mahommed cast and threw the said Mustaram to the ground, and beat bruised & kicked him with his hands & feet giving to the said Mustaram, as well by the