1780-12-18 (static/transcriptions/1780/12/073.jpg)
1780 [Monday] Dec. 18th
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Of any use to any Person I would. If I could be of any Service to a Bramin I would. It is proper to prevent disgrace. If God has destined him to be put in the Pillory he must be put in the Pillory. I would not tell lie upon Oath to save a Bramin from hanging nor from having Beef Broath thrown in his Face. I would tell a lie without Oath to serve a Bramin; but not on Oath. Though I knew the water to be Tank Water, I should think myself bound by the Oath.
Ram Churn Chatterjea Sworn.
I saw Bindabun, Ram Cunt and Nemoo at Caully Ghant.
/ Bindabun