1789-01-20 (static/transcriptions/1789/01/360.jpg)
was called on, viz
John Burrell }
v }
Collypersaud Dutt} Plf filed 16 Oct: 1787.
Deft a settled Inhab of Calc & subject to
1. Cot for 10000 had & recd by Deft
2. Cot for 10000 laid out & expended by Plf
3. Cot for 10000 lent & advd
4. Cot for 10000, for goods sold & delivd
5. Co for 10000 Do on qm valebant
6 Cot for 10000, on an insimul comput
Dam: 12000 CR:
Plea Non assumpsit – with a notice of Set off. Issue joined.
[Single Line]
1 Wts for Plf
Roopram Chatterjee.
2d Wts for Plf
Joseph Baretto