1789-01-22 (static/transcriptions/1789/01/373.jpg)
Rupees bearing Date the Fifteenth Day of May One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty and Conditioned for Payment of the said Sum of Twenty one Tousand Current Rupees with Interest at Ten per Cent on Demand and your orator further Sheweth unto your Lordships that the accounts of the said Police office and all the other accounts between your orator and the said Bulram Holdar were kept and Settled Monthly by your orator and the said Bulwar Holdar and were actually Settled and Signed by your Orator Up to the end of the Month of July one Thousand seven hundred and Eighty and your orator further Sheweth that in or about the Middle of the Month of August following your orator being in distressed Circumstances and fearfull of being thrown into a jail was obliged to go to Serampore in order to avoid being arrested and to Remain there until his affairs should be Settled to which place Bulram Holdar very soon followed your orator and brought his accounts for the said Month of August with him upon which accounts there appeared to be due to your orator from the said Bulram Holdar a Considerable Balance but the said Accounts were not then Settled so your orator on examining the same Recollected many [ill] as paid on his private account as well as on Account of the Police office which your orator knew were improper and would not admit and therefore your orator Wrote to Mr. Sherbrooke Who was then Your Orators Deputy in and had the Charge of the said Police Office during Your Orators absence to Settle the Accounts of the Police Office which he did accordingly Settle with the said Bulram Holdar or some one of his Sercars and sent the same to Your Orator when