1781-01-15 (static/transcriptions/1781/01/013.jpg)

1781. 1 Term. Monday Jan. 15. 68

Monday January 15th 1781.
Sir E. Impey - - - - - - - at 9o:50’
Mr. Justice Hyde - - - - at 10o:-

Several usual Motions; but none that I heard worth noting.

In the Goods of Thomas Kirkman, deceased.

Frederick Wilson, Petitioner for the Administration, as a Creditor in the Sum of Eight Thousand Rupees on Simple Contract.
A Caveat enter’d on the behalf of the United Company of Merchants of England Trading to the East Indies.
Mr. Wilson names himself of Cawnpore in the Province of Oude, and the affidavit annexed to his Petition appears to be sworn by Commission.
Mr. Wilson by an additional affidavit sworn, since he came to Fort William says he can collect the Effects
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