1781-02-08 (static/transcriptions/1781/02/018.jpg)

1781. 1 Sittings. Thursday Feb. 8.

Thursday Feb. 8th: 1781.
Sir E. Impey - - - - - - at 9o:40’
Mr. Justice Hyde - - - at 10o:20.

[Triple Line]
Goculchunder Metrejah
Ramsoonder Paulet
Administrator of
Collichurn Paulet

[Triple Line]
An Action on a Bond made by the Deceased to recover about Three Thousand Rupees remaining due on that Bond: Plea no Assets beyond so much more than which is due on other bonds.
This Plea was disproved and more than the Sum demanded in this Action appear’d to be in the hands of the Administrator on which there was judgment for the whole Debt
For the Plaintiff:
With Costs.
Costs were given though the Defendant was an Administrator, because his
/ Plea