1781-03-12 (static/transcriptions/1781/03/013.jpg)

Produced in consequence of a written Notice to the Defendant’s Attorney.
A Promissory Note, dated 1 Feb. 1778, sign’d Samuel Tolfrey, N. Naylor. 10 days after date to pay to Huz. Mul. 10,670 Cur. R. 7th 8th.

[Double Line]
Indorsed, Received 7th 17778, 1000 C. R.
Received 4 Feb. 1778, 3000 C. R.

Impey. [Shorthand – Proposed in days court to me to strike Tolfrey of the rule of attorneys: he said we would consider; and he would have what Chambers said; but it would be better done amodty on the agreement in this case: I said I thought it might as very serve if Tolfrey should return: he said he thought never serve: I dissented:
On consider I think it would be . . . .