1781-03-16 (static/transcriptions/1781/03/016.jpg)


[ILL] March 16th 1781.
Present Chambers – at – 11o:0
Hyde ---------------------- 10:15’.

[Double Line]
[Friday] March 16th 1781.
Ozooderam Bysack, Modun Mohun Bysack, and Govindram Bysack.
Durpnarain Tagoor, Luckycanto Tagoor, and Sonnessee Pyke.
Trespass for entering their Close in Calcutta and cutting a Tree &c.
Plea Not Guilty, and a justification, under a Sale by the Sheriff as the Land of Jamunah Rasbeharry Seat.
The 1st Witness, Remembers Gowr Churn, the Ancestor of the P. in possession many years, on Cross examination said Praun Bullub was in Possession he had heard, but did not know.
[Booshy?] Bearer – 2d Witness. Lived on part of the Land, and paid rent to Modun Mohun: saw the Trespasses committed by all the Defendants.
Did not see the Sheriff’s officer put them in Possession.