1781-03-23 (static/transcriptions/1781/03/031.jpg)


Mr. Newman.
The Plea says the Plaintiff might have sued in the Mayor’s Court, and all the Defendants were within the jurisdiction till 1769 when Mr. [Court?] went to England.
This Plaint is filed in the 1st Term 1781, more than Six years after the establishment of this Court.
Wilcox & Huggins, 515, Bacon 3d.
He always had Agents here, by whom he might have sued.
Impey. That never was thought an [ILL] England to Non [ILL] infra sex annos.

July 14th 1780 Aga Tacki v Reny Bowanny.
It was said the Merits must first be enter’d into, before it could be known whether she was subject to the Jurisdiction at the time the Cause of Action Accrued: But the Court said the P. ought to have averred the Cause of Action accrued on such a day, and that is wit the Defendant was then subject to the jurisdiction.

115 Cro. Ch. Brown & Hancock.
If the Plaintiff has shewn the cause of action to be before the time of the Limitation Judgment must be for the Defendant.
This Action is shewn to have arisen Eleven or Twelve years ago.