1781-03-23 (static/transcriptions/1781/03/032.jpg)


Mr. Davies for the Plaintiff.
There are three Causes of Demurrers.

On Demand the whole record is open to Objection and where the first error is, the Judgment must be against him.
A Double Plea is bad.
Co-Lit 304 &
3 Bac. 119 –
272, 1st Ventr.
217, 1st Ventr.
258, 1st P. Wm’s
107, 1st Salk.

I can not find any authority that One Party who might be sued, being in another Jurisdiction where he [ILL] be sued the
Viner 104, Vol. 15th Infant may sue; 2d Saunder 120, 121.
The Attornies being here, sig: nothing.
Hardr. 40.

[ILL] Ray. 86. Lee v Rac.
223, Cro. ch.