1781-03-24 (static/transcriptions/1781/03/036.jpg)

1781. 2 Term. [Saturday] March 24.

there was any agreement to accept this Money in satisfaction.
Mr. Davies, withdrew the affidavits now produced, and desired to take nothing by his Motion at present saying he would move it another day, when he had affidavit of the Fact that the Plaintiff absconded at Serampore, which being a Danish Settlement is out of the Jurisdiction of this Court.
Impey. Such an affidavit may much alter the case: this Court has in proper cases staid proceedings where the Plaintiff has absconded from the Jurisdiction so that mutual remedy could not be had against him.

[Triple Line]
Buddea Jamah and Illaluddee.

[Triple Line]
An Action for the use and occupation of an House.
A Non-suit.
The Rent having been agreed to be paid to the Plaintiff, and Khyroo his Father.