1781-03-26 (static/transcriptions/1781/03/041.jpg)

1781. 2 Term. [Monday] March 26.

the express agreement of the Parties, that both the Actions then depending should be discontinued, and the present is one of those Actions, and was agreed to be withdrawn on payment of this Money and delivery of this Salt. And although the other part of the Agreement to have an Arbitration relative to their disputes has had no effect, yet that appears as much the fault of the one, as of the other Party, and the Defendant by the Motion offers to put the Plaintiff, when the Money has been repaid into the same situation, as he was before the agreement was enterd into.
The Rule was made absolute.

In the Goods of Charles Dillon, deceased.

[Triple Line]
Mr. Brix, Moved for a Commission to be sent to Furruckabad, which is far beyond the Province of Bahar, to two Gentlemen there, to see Thomas Soder execute a Security Bond duly to administer the Goods of Charles Dillon.
Impey. It can not be done. Look
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