1781-03-26 (static/transcriptions/1781/03/040.jpg)

1781. 2 Term. [Monday] March 26.

But the Court, although they have no doubt of the Madness of this unfortunate young Lady, yet are not entirely agreed as to the manner, in which the Custody must be obtain’d. We agree that it must be on Petition, and we agree that we ought to follow the Practice of the High Court of Chancery in England, but we doubt whether the Court can determine on her Madness by Inspection alone, or whether there must also be an Inquiry by a jury before the sheriff.
Kisnocunt Baboo and others.

[Triple Line]
Mr. Hare, to shew cause against a Rule to stay proceedings in this Cause, untill to stay proceedings in this Cause, untill a certain large Quantity of Salt is return’d.
The Court on reading the Agreement between the Parties, were of Opinion the Proceedings should be stay’d according to the Motion, it appearing to be
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