1781-03-29 (static/transcriptions/1781/03/047.jpg)

1781. 2 Sittings. [Thursday] March 29.

This is an Action of Ejectment against Colonel Watson, for One Begah of Land at Kidderpore.
It was not proved in the Cause, but probably the ground in Question in this Cause, is part of the Dock yard at Kidderpore, belonging to Colonel Watson, for several parts of which other Ejectments have been brought.
The title of Nemoo Sircar was proved.
Mr. Thomas Henry Davies, Advocate for Colonel Watson, who has lately been appropriated, One of the Advocates of the Company during the intended absence of Mr. Newman: Now took objection to the title of the Lessor of the Plaintiff, that the Pottah produced, imported no more than an Estate at Will, and that no Evidence was produced to shew that by the Law of this Country the Words were sufficient to convey a greater Estate.
Impey. The Court have determined to take notice of the operation of these Pottahs, without Evidence because they
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