1781-03-30 (static/transcriptions/1781/03/050.jpg)
1781. 2 Sittings. [Friday] March 30.
The Case proved by the Plaintiff was that the Defendant demanded some Money of him, and because he denied owing him anything, and refused to pay, a Sercar and a Peon by Order of the Defendant forced the Plaintiff to go to Mr. Philip Coales’s House, where the Defendant was, and when he came there the Defendant after demanding Money, and using abusive Language, kept him there four or five Hours and then Order’d the Peon to take him back to his own Golah or Warehouse where he lived, and there to keep him, and not to suffer him to send out any of his Goods: The Peon kept the Defendant in his own house all that day and night, and the next morning he made his escape.