1778-01-12 (static/transcriptions/1778/01/003.jpg)

1778. 1 Term. [Monday] Jan: 12th.

Monday Jan: 12th 1778.

[Double Line]
Kismanund Sircar
Kissencunt Baboo, Nursing & others. Mr. Farrar, moved, that a rule obtain’d (or rather enter’d in the common course of the Office) to discontinue this cause: no notice of Costs was taken in the rule; Mr. Farrar moved to sit aside the rule as irregular because it was not drawn on payment of Costs. The Prothonotary, inform’d the Court on being ask’d by me, that all the Rules to discontinue were enter’d like this, with no mention of Costs, but that if the Defendant wanted Costs, the application came on that side.