1778-01-13 (static/transcriptions/1778/01/005.jpg)

1778. 1 Term. Tuesday Jan: 13th.

Monday Jan: 13th 1778.

[Double Line]
Datteram Turrifdar
John Mackenzie.
The Shewing Cause on the rule obtain’d to shew cause why execution on the Judgment obtain’d on November 20th 1777, unless cause shewn to the contrary on Jan: 12th 1778.
The rule was made on affidavits swearing, that the Rice in question was never taken out of the possession of the Plaintiff, but remain’d till after the Judgment and might if he had not thought fit to quit it have remain’d in his possession to this hour, by his Servants who did remain at the Golahs or Ware-Houses till after the Judgment, when those Servants voluntarily quitted the Golahs, and now were in the possession of the Rice by the Golahs where it was, being tied with knots by the Servants of the Plaintiff.
It appearing by affidavits, on the part
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