1790-07-30 (static/transcriptions/1790/07/076.jpg)
1790. Sessions. [Friday] July 30.
Shaikh Latif, sworn.
I am a bricklayer. I knew the deceased Cuchil Sercar. I saw him at Irypucur before he died. I also saw him, when he was beaten. I too live at Irypucur. Last Magh, between 6 and 7 gheris after sunset, (past 8 o’clock) Comla raur, then the wife of the deceased came crying to me, & in consequence of what she said, I went with her to a garden at Balliagunge; and there I saw the prisoner, and a bearer of his, and Cuchil sercar, & no one else. They were in the middle of the garden near the Bungalow. I am sure the prisoner was there. Cuchil was tied & crying out, & the prisoner was flogging him with a whip (chabik). The arms & legs tied together: he was tied to a post by his hands & legs. (I mean one of several posts) which had been