1778-01-23 (static/transcriptions/1778/01/023.jpg)
1778. 1 Term. [Friday] Jan: 23d.
borrowing from Pitt Lethuillier the Sum of Sixteen Thousand and One Rupees, and promised to pay that sum with interest at the rate of two Rupees per Centum per Mensem. In One case, that of on the day of 177: my late brother Lemaistre and I had been of opinion that in cases where the Act of 13 G. 3d does not apply, we ought to give the Interest agreed by the parties, Impey was of opinion on that occasion, and has always continued of the same, that only twelve per Cent should be allow’d which is the greatest legal Interest that British Subjects can take, by that Act, but Judgment was given in that cause according to the opinion of Mr. Justice Lemaistre, and myself, either because we two made the Majority or because Mr. Justice Chambers also join’d us in that opinion, I do not just now recollect which, but rather think my brother Lemaistre and I made the Majority against Impey. Impey now alluding to that cause, said he thought himself bound by the Judgment of the Court to allow in the now present